Bharat 6G project will be implemented in two phases.

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India is planning to launch 6G mobile network services by 2030. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has recently revealed the Bharat 6G Vision Document, which outlines a roadmap for how India intends to roll out the next-generation of mobile networks across the country. Just six months after launching 5G services in over 400 cities, India is now planning to launch 6G for its citizens.

So, what’s so special about 6G? Well, 6G is currently under development and is expected to be 100 times faster than 5G. It will offer internet speeds that will enable users to seamlessly switch from the physical world to a digital one. 6G is expected to play a significant role in the metaverse, which is being touted as the future of social media and the internet as we know it.

6G will also have many practical applications, including precision healthcare, smart agriculture, global monitoring, and robot navigation. Ericsson, a Swedish telecom company, predicts that 6G will have three main areas of impact: connected intelligent machines, the Internet of senses, and a connected sustainable world.

The Indian government plans to set up the Bharat 6G project to identify and fund research and development for 6G rollout in the country. The project will be implemented in two phases, with the first phase exploring ideas and proof-of-concept testing from 2023 to 2025. The second phase will commercialize peer-reviewed ideas and concepts from 2025 to 2030.

The Bharat 6G Vision Document proposes the creation of a corpus of Rs 10,000 crore to fund research and innovation, as well as the exploration of shared use of spectrum to support the higher-frequency 6G network. Overall, India is making significant strides towards embracing the future of mobile network technology and staying ahead of the curve.

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