"OpenAI Makes ChatGPT and Whisper Available to Developers: Cheaper Chatbots and Multilingual Speech Transcription Now Possible"

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OpenAI's ChatGPT product has been integrated into Bing, Edge, Skype, and the taskbar of the Windows operating system. Now, developers can access ChatGPT and Whisper through OpenAI's APIs. Optimizations to the ChatGPT model have reduced the cost by 90% since December, making it more affordable for companies to build their own chatbots. The gtp-3.5-turbo model now costs $0.002 per 1,000 tokens, meaning you can get 500K tokens for just one dollar. For those who want their bots to answer voice commands, not just text, there's Whisper. This model can transcribe speech into text at a cost of $0.006 per minute.

Whisper can understand 99 languages and provide an English translation of what was said. This is a significant advancement as Siri and Google Assistant can only handle a few languages. Companies can use OpenAI's APIs to create new chatbots. Some have already done so, such as Snapchat, which introduced My AI for Snapchat+ this week, and Instacart's ChatGPT-based bot that can help customers by automatically creating the shopping list they need. Similarly, ChatGPT is being adopted in learning apps as Quizlet recently introduced Q-Chat, a "fully adaptive AI tutor."

Companies that want a more reliable experience can use dedicated instances. Otherwise, the model runs on a shared instance whose performance will vary depending on server load. The integration of ChatGPT and Whisper into various platforms and the availability of OpenAI's APIs make it easier for developers and companies to incorporate advanced natural language processing technology into their products and services.

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