Chinese army wants to revolt against Jinping? Mysterious death of top officer of nuclear force

2 minute read

 China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) has witnessed recent leadership changes within its powerful Rocket Force, responsible for the country's nuclear bombs and deadly missiles. President Xi Jinping's decision to replace the Rocket Force Chief has sparked intrigue, with close scrutiny from international analysts, particularly amidst ongoing tensions between China and India. This article explores the mysterious events surrounding the deaths and disappearances of top officers, the Rocket Force's role in China's military strategy, and the implications of these developments.

Heading 1: High-Profile Officer's Mysterious Death

The PLA's powerful Rocket Force faced turmoil when news emerged of the death of a senior officer. The circumstances surrounding this incident were kept secret, raising questions about internal issues within China's military establishment. Shortly after, the commander of the same unit went missing, adding to the intrigue and speculations about unrest within the Rocket Force.

Heading 2: Leadership Changes and Speculations

Following the mysterious events, President Xi Jinping appointed a new head of the Rocket Force, signaling the leadership's response to the challenges within the unit. However, these changes have fueled speculations about internal clashes and power struggles among China's military officials. Observers are closely monitoring the situation to gauge potential implications on China's defense strategies.

Heading 3: India's Surveillance and Concerns

India's intelligence agencies are closely observing the developments within the Chinese military. Given the ongoing border tensions between India and China, any internal disturbances in China's Rocket Force can have significant security implications in the region. The changes in leadership and potential unrest are being closely analyzed by Indian defense experts to assess the situation's impact on regional stability.

Heading 4: Missile Arsenal and Ambitious Plans

The Rocket Force is responsible for managing strategic and tactical missiles, including nuclear-capable ones. President Xi Jinping has ambitious plans to bolster China's missile arsenal, aiming to develop 1000 intercontinental ballistic missiles by 2028. These developments raise concerns about the potential regional and global implications of a strengthened Chinese missile force.

Heading 5: Corruption and Investigations

In addition to the leadership changes, investigations into corruption within the Rocket Force are underway. These investigations indicate that all is not well within the unit, and the Chinese military is working to address internal issues to maintain operational efficiency and integrity.

Heading 6: The Missing Foreign Minister and Unrelated Anxieties

Amidst the leadership changes in the Rocket Force, China's Foreign Minister also went missing, creating further unease among observers. While there is no direct link between the two events, the disappearances have intensified speculations and discussions about potential internal challenges faced by the Chinese government and its military leadership.


China's PLA Rocket Force has been at the center of intrigue and unrest due to recent leadership changes and mysterious incidents involving top officers. The country's ambitious missile development plans and the potential implications on regional stability are subjects of concern for international observers, particularly in light of the ongoing tensions between China and India. As the investigations continue, the world closely watches China's military establishment, eager to understand the underlying causes and consequences of these developments.

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