Ukraine War: ukrainian pilots f-16 training on hold due to inability to speak english

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 "The English language has become a problem for Ukrainian pilots fighting the war against Russia. Only 8 out of 32 Ukrainian pilots are able to speak and understand some English. These eight pilots have been selected to participate in the first phase of training. Russian media Sputnik quoted an unnamed US official as saying that these eight pilots from Ukraine were selected because of their proficiency in English, while 20 pilots Can speak some English. These pilots have been selected to be sent to the United Kingdom for training later this month.

Training start date not disclosed

Apart from these eight, four other pilots have been selected to be part of this training program, although their status and ability to speak English has not been clarified. No information has been given about when the training of Ukrainian pilots will start in Britain. According to reports, the US is waiting for a formal training plan to be presented by European allies. It was reported earlier this week that training equipment, including F-16 flight simulators and training manuals, still has to be transferred to Europe before training can begin.

Training can be done in Denmark and Romania

Biden administration officials said they expect proposals from European countries to come in the next few weeks. So far eleven NATO countries have pledged to support the training, which is expected to take place mainly in Denmark and Romania. US officials have emphasized that the F-16 should be used only in the defense of Ukraine and not to attack Russian targets outside Ukraine's borders before 2014. However, the Kiev regime has been increasing attacks inside Russia, including drone attacks inside Moscow.

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